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Security Concept & defenition

In this article, we will cover the concept of Information Security and the goals of security which make it a must for our world today

What Information Is?

Information should be treated as Asset, that we should take care of it and protect it. Information can take different forms as listed below:

  • Printed or Written
  • Promotion Materials
  • Videos
  • Sounds
  • Spoken words
  • Electronic forms

At the same time Information has its own lifecycle, from creating it to modifying and processing, stored, then it can be exchanged, or it can be lost and even corrupted and destroyed

Goals Of Security

Now as Information of that importance, then Security come to take the important role here to achieve the following goals:

  1. Confidentiality
  2. Integrity
  3. Availability

Confidentiality: It is the protection of information from unauthorized access from people, resources, and processes, so the end the information will be available for the correct people

Integrity: Which is the protection of the information assets and related processes from intentional or accidental unauthorized changes, by which the information will remain unchanged

Availability: that is the assurance that information and related systems are accessible by authorized users whenever needed

In all the time these 3 goals should be achieved and will vary in priority from organization to another, and one of the goals will be more critical than others as described below:

  • Confidentiality: as Pharmaceuticals
  • Integrity: as Financial institutes and Banks
  • Availability: E-Commerce-bases organizations

From the above, we can conclude the definition of Information Security as a comprehensive process that aims to ensure Availability, Integrity, and Confidentiality of the Organization Information resources

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