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Introduction to Artificial Intelligent "AI"

   In this article, we will talk about the new trend in the technology world, which is the Artificial Intelligent (AI), which is actually entering mostly all field of our life

The term Artificial Intelligence was first considered decades ago in the year 1956 by John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. He defines Artificial Intelligence as a science and engineering of making intelligent machines in a sense is a technique of getting machines to work and behave like humans. In the recent past, AI is being able to accomplish this by creating machines and robots that are being used in a wide range of fields including Healthcare, Robotics, Marketing, and  Business Analytics, however many applications are not perceived as AI because we often can't think of artificial intelligence as a robot doing a daily course but the truth is artificial intelligence has found its way into what daily lives. It has become so gently we have been using it all the time, for instance, have you ever wondered how Google is able to give you such an accurate search result or how your Facebook feed always gives you content based on your interests! The answer to these questions are artificial intelligence.

Now before go any farther let clear a very common misconception people often tend to think that artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are the same since they have common applications; for example, SIRI is an example of AI, machine learning and deep-learning technology application. So how these are technologies related:

Artificial Intelligence is the science of getting machines to mimic the behavior of humans
Machine Learning is a subset of AI that focuses on getting machines to make decisions by feeding them data
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses the concept of neural networks to solve complex problems

 So to sum it up artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep-learning are interconnected fields machine learning and deep-learning aids Artificial intelligence by providing a set of algorithms and neural networks to solve data-driven problems however, AI is not restricted to any machine learning and deep learning it covers a vast domain of fields including natural language processing, object detection of computer vision, robotics expert systems, and so on.

 Artificial intelligence can be structured along three stages or you can say that there are three different types:

1       1- Artificial Narrow Intelligence

      2- Artificial General Intelligence

3     3- Artificial Super Intelligence

1- Artificial narrow intelligence 

Which is also known as weak AI involves applying artificial intelligence to need a specific task now many currently, existing systems that claim to use AI are operating as a weak AI-focused on a narrowly-defined task. Now Alexa is a very good example of narrow intelligence it operates Within a limited predefined range of functions, that is no genuine intelligence or no self-awareness despite being a sophisticated example of weak AI. Other examples of weak AI are Face verification that you see in your iPhone, and the autopilot feature at Tesla, the social humanoid, Sophia built at Hanson Robotics and finally, we have Google Maps all of these applications are based on Weak AI or artificial narrow intelligence 

2- Artificial General intelligence 

is also known as strong AI, it involves machines that possess the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can. You see machines don't possess human likeability, they have strong processing units that can perform high-level computations but they're not yet capable of thinking and acting like humans. There are many experts who doubt that artificial general intelligence will ever be possible, and there are many who questioned whether it should be desirable I'm sure all of you have heard of Stephen Hawkings, he warned us that Strong AI would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Human, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded.

3- Artificial super-intelligence 

is presently seen as a hypothetical situation as depicted in movies and science fiction books when machines will take over the world, however, deck masterminds like Elon Musk believe that artificial super-intelligence will take over the world by the year 2040

Now as you know the different types of Artificial Intelligence, let's take a look at how high is used in the real world
From spotting an eight planets solar system which is 2500 light-years away to composing sonnets and poems AI have covered all possible domains in the market
In the finance sector, J.P.Morgan's chase’s Contract Intelligence the platform  uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and image recognition software to analyze legal documents and extract major points and causes  important data points in a matter of seconds, while manually reviewing 12,000 agreements takes over 36,000 hours, but AI is able to do this in a matter of seconds.

 Coming to healthcare IBM is one of the Pioneers that has developed AI software specifically for medicine, more than 250 Healthcare organizations worldwide use IBM Watson technology. in 2016 IBM Watson AI technology was able to cross-reference 20 Million oncology record and correctly diagnose a rare leukemia condition in a patient.

Coming to the next application Google’s AI Eye Doctors another initiate where do you working with an Indian eye-catching scans and identify a condition predict which causes blindness
coming to social media platforms like Facebook artificial intelligence is used for face verification were in machine learning and deep-learning concepts are used to detect facial features and tag your friends

 The Google predictive Search is one of the most famous AI applications when you begin typing a search term recommendation for you to choose from that is AI in action predictive searches are based on data that Google collects about you such as your location age and other personal details by using AI the search engine attempts to guess what you might be trying to find
Now another famous application of artificial intelligence is self-driving car AI implements computer vision, image detection and deep learning to build cars that can automatically detect objects and drive around without human intervention

so I can go on and on about the weirdest your application since the emergence of AI in 1950s we have seen an exponential growth of its use, such as machine learning deep learning natural language processing, knowledge-based expert, systems and so on it has also made its way into a computer vision and image processing

As AI is branching out into every aspect of Our Live is it possible that one day AI might take over our lives? And if it is possible how long it will take?
Well, it may be sooner than you think, it is estimated that AI will take over the world within the next 30 years, by this I hope that we can develop some sort of teleportation machine that helps us escape our own creation.

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