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Best Network Security Tools


Securing your network infrastructure and services is one of the most important strategic goals for the stability of any network. And in order to achieve the network security of your environment, you should have insight visibility and use different network security tools.
 During this article we will explore the best network security tools in the market that help you to achieve the visibility and enhance the security levels within your network

Network security tools


Argus is one of free network security tools which provides Real Time Flow Monitor that is designed to perform comprehensive data network traffic auditing.

ARGUS stands for Audit Record Generation and Usage System

Argus depends on processing packet data and provides summary network flow data.  So If you want to analyze a packet and need to understand what is going on, Argus is an excellent method of looking at aspects of the data that you can't readily get from packet analyzers. How many hosts are communicating, who is talking to whom, how frequent this is happening, is one address sending all the traffic, are they doing the bad thing? Argus is designed to generate network flow status information that can answer these and a lot more questions that you might have.


Tenable had developed Nessus which is an open source vulnerability scanner application. Nessus had a rich features and scanning capabilities due to depending on robust scanning engine and additional plugins that provides extensive data and reports.

At the same time Nessus provides the ability to build and develop updates on their software for any new vulnerability reported by any organization, so that it will be covered in the new releases.

Nessus provides different aspects of vulnerability scanning, such as vulnerabilities related to recommended patches, default passwords or misconfigurations of them, DDoS vulnerabilities, and unauthorized access to sensitive data

One last thing to mentioned about Nessus is that this is a vulnerability scanning tools and not patching or fixing tool, so it can tell you what is the vulnerability that can be used by hackers and your systems is exploit to, but then you/system administrator have to do the required actions to remedy this weakness.

Nessus has both free and paid options.


Nagios is a program that can monitor network services as HTTP, ICMP, POP3, and SMTP. It can monitors hosts and networks in addition to providing notifications and alerts.

While all consider Nagios a traffic monitoring tool, but it really can be considered and network security tools that can help network administrators to have insight of their networks. You can check this article for more info about monitoring tools

Network monitoring security tools


Splunk is one of the most user friendly GUI network monitoring tool, it is used for real-time and historical data analysis.

There are two options available, Free version with limited features, and paid one with all modules and features available. It is very good in searching functions for big data and loggings. Splunk is a recommended software for system administrators who care about security portion of their networks and have a budget to invest in for this purpose.


Administrators want to know the weak points of their networks using a cost effective monitoring tool. NMap is designed to provide a deep look at the network in terms of hosts, services running on the hosts, and types of packets being traversed within the network, in addition to many other features, so it is important network security tool.

It also includes and provides debugging capabilities for all important platforms, in addition to the ability to perform scanning for one of multiple network at once. It is user friendly and there is possibility to be customized easily.


Wireshark is an open-source tool and free which is used to analyze network packets and troubleshooting in addition to understand the communications of the protocols running within the network.

It allows network administrators to have deep look at the network in order to understand the nature of packets and provide packet analysis for different networks like enterprises, educational institutes or governments. Network admins use it to troubleshoot problems and to examine security problems within their networks, while developers use it to debug protocols implementations.

Security Tools


Snort is an intrusion detection and prevention system, that is open source and free one. It was developed by Cisco in 2013. Snort is using network-based traffic analysis and packet logging on Internet Protocol (IP). Snort also support performing protocol analysis, content searching and matching. It also has the capabilities to detect different types of attacks, like buffer overflows, semantic URL attacks, servers message block probes and stealth port scan.

Snort support working in 3 modes:

-         Sniffer: read network packets and display on the console

-         Packet logger: logs the packets to a disk

-         Network intrusion detection monitor network traffic and analyze it against set of security rules defined by the admin, then it can perform specific actions based on what is noticed

Security Phishing


Gophish is a tool dedicated to detect and test the phishing on organizations network, this is a free and open-source network security tool.
Gophish support working on different platforms, including Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.  It works on continuous updates which allow it to track the emails sent, links within the emails, link clicks, credentials provided and much more. Gophish has a user friendly GUI with rich features that allow the admins to track the emails and websites. Based on latest statistics reports around 40% of untrained users fail phishing tests. This proves that it is not important to have such security tools to prevent phishing, but also indicates the need to have the employees fully aware about such vulnerabilities and to avoid breaching this security hole.


pfSense is actually installed on physical computer or virtual machine and can act as firewall /router for the network. It is an open-source software built based on FreeBSD.

Many companies using pfSense because it provides flexibility of the firewall features, such as Anti spoofing, Geo IP blocking, dynamic DNS, pre-set rule profiles, and more

We recommend pfSense firewalls for small to medium sized businesses who have the time and space to dedicate to managing an open-source firewall like pfSense.

At the end it is important to say that as long as you have the knowledge of security concept and you have the ability to search in addition to keep testing, then these network security tools can help you understand the vulnerabilities and points where your network is exposed, so that you can remedy these weaknesses and enhance the security of your network. On the other hand it is important to transfer the sense of security to the and awareness to the users/employees of the network to be as the first line of defense for your network.

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