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Big Data Technologies

Big Data definitely the buzzword which you get to hear all around you from day one till today it is the fastest growing technology in recent years and is all set to reach Great Heights and revolution.
 Today we will talk about Big Data Technologies which change the world of information technology and also about few emerging Big Data Technologies which are capable enough to take over the IT world sooner to new position and horizon.
 So we shall start from scratch, we shall understand what is a Big Data Technology and why do we need it, later we should understand the two main types of Big data Technologies, after that I will take you to the world of top BIG Data Technologies where we will be surfing the crucial ones, and finally get into the interesting part where we will be looking into the few upcoming big data Technologies.
 I hope I made myself clear with the agenda so let us begin with the first topic.

 What is Big Data technologies?

Big Data technologies can be defined as a technological mechanism that can process and extract information from an extremely complex and large data rates that's the traditional data processing software could never deal with.
Now as you understand the basic definition of Big Data technology lets understand why we need it. We need Big Data Technologies so that we use it to perform accurate analysis to generate conclusions and predictions so as to minimize the risks in real-time for future work. Sooner we will talk deeper about this.

Big Data Technologies

Now let’s talk about the two main and major categories into which the Big Data  Technologies classified into, the Big Data technologies are mainly classified into two types Operational Big-Data and Analytical Big-Dat

Operational Big-Data

Big Data Technologies

It is all about the normal day-to-day data which we usually generate, the data that the organizations produce, which might include the online transactions, social media, or the data from particular college, school, etc. you can even consider this to be a kind of raw data which is used to feed up the analytical Big Data Technologies. A few examples include online ticket bookings such as bus tickets, train tickets, flight tickets movie tickets, and much more. The next one is Online Shopping which might include Amazon, Walmart, etc. The next one is social, media I guess this one doesn't need much explanation, data from large social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and a lot more fall under the Operational Big Data. Let us take one last example of operational big data and simple one which is related to the information of a particular organization, for example, the employee details of a multinational company.

Analytical Big-data

 I feel you are already guessing what exactly do that would be Analytical Big Data is, yet let me explain this further to you. Analytical Big Data is a little complex than the Operational Big Data, to be more accurate the Analytical Big data is where the actual performance comes into the picture and where the few crucial important business decisions take place based on analyzing the Operational data. A few examples are Stock Marketing, carrying out the Space Mission where every single bit of information is crucial, Weather Forecast Information where civilians will be aware of any main natural disasters that may happen. Medical Field, where a particular patient's medical health status can be monitored, and future decisions on 
maintaining his health would be taken and many more.

Top Big Data Technologies

:The Big Data Technologies smashed into 4 fields as below


Now let us deal with the technologies falling within these fields, their features, capabilities, companies using them.

Big Data Technologies in Data Storage

Below are the most important tools and technologies in the Storage Field:

Apache Hadoop
§  Hadoop designed to work in Distributed Data processing environment.
§  Use commodity Hardware
§  Designed to process data in different machines and different locations with high speeds and low cost
§  Developed by Apache Software Foundation in year 2011
§  Written in JAVA
§  Current Stable version: Hadoop 3.11
Now let us see the companies which are using Hadoop:

Big Data Technologies


No SQL Databases documented offered like MongoDB offered direct alternatives for rich schema for the large Databases. This allows MongoDB great flexibility when dealing with large volume of Databases at distributed architecture. Below are highlight the feature of this type of Database:

>No SQL Document Database
>Developed by MongoDB in the year of 2009
>Written in: C++, Go, JavaScript, and Python
>Current Stable version: MongoDB 4.0.10

Below the list of known companies using MongoDB:

Big Data Technologies


The RainStor is developed and designed to manage and analyze the large data for big enterprises, it uses de-duplicated technologies to organize the process of storing a large amount of data for reference.

Below a list of features of this technology:
     Uses De-Duplicated techniques
     > Originally developed for internal use of the ministry of defense of UK.
     > Developed by RainStor Software company in the year 2004
     Works like SQL
     Current Stable version: RainStor 5.5

Below a list of the companies using RainStor

Big Data Technologies

Splunk Hunk

Splunk Hunk is a kind of multiple players with multiple capabilities. So let's discuss about Hunk, Hunk lets you access data on a remote set of clusters, it allows you to use Splunk search process language to analyze your data. With Hunk you can report and virtualize a large amounts of data from your Hadoop and SQL databases.

Below a summary of the features introduced by Splunk Hunk:
     Access data from remote Hadoop clusters
     Developed by: Splunk INC, in year 2013
     Written in JAVA
     Current Stable version: 6.2

Big-Data Technologies in Data Mining

Below a list of most important technologies in Data Mining Category:


Presto is an open-source distributed SQL query engine designed for running analytical queries again data storage from different sizes starting from Gigabytes to BetaBytes. Presto allows querying data from where it lives, it allows querying standard or proprietary databases. The single query from Presto can combine data from multiple sources. Presto is targeted by analysts who wish to have response time ranges from sub seconds to minutes.

Below summary list about Presto:
     Open Source Distributed SQL Query Engine
     Developed by Apache Foundation in the year of 2013
     Written in: JAVA
     Current Stable version: Presto 0.22

Below a list of companies using Presto:

Big Data Technologies


It is a centralized solution which has powerful features and graphical user interface, that enables the user to create, deliver, and maintain predictive analytics.

Below a list of common features:
     Powerful and robust Graphical User Interface
     Developed by RapidMiner in 2001
     Written in JAVA
     Current Stable Version: RapidMiner 9.2

Below are the companies use RapidMiner:

Big Data Technologies


ElasticSearch is a search engine based on the Lucent library. It provides a distributed multitalented which is keep full search engine with an HTTPS user interface and schema-free JASON document.

 Below a list of ElasticSearch:
      Based on Lucent Library
      Developed By Elastic NV in the year 2012
      Written in JAVA
      Current stable version: ElasticSearch 7.1

Below a list of companies using ElasticSearch:

Big Data Technologies

Big-Data Technologies in Data Analytics

Below a list of most important technologies in Data Mining Category:


It is a distributed streaming platform, what does that mean?
The streaming platform has 3 capabilities: Publish, Subscribe and Consume

Below a list of this tool features:
     Distributed streaming platform
     Developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2011
     Written in: Scala, JAVA
     Current stable version: Apache Kafqa 2.2.0

Now let us look at the companies using Kafqa:

Big Data Technologies


Splunk is used to capture, index and correlate the real-time data in a searchable repository from which it can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards, and visualization. Splunk is horizontal technology use for application management, security, compliance, business and web analytics.

Below a summary of Splunk used in Data Analytics:
     Used in Application management, security, and web analytics
     Developed by Splunk INC in year 2014
     Written in: AJAX, C++, Python, XML
     Current stable version: Splunk 7.3

Below list of companies using Splunk:

Big Data Technologies


KNIME allows users to visually create data flows, selectively execute some or all analysis steps and inspect the results, models in interactive views

Below a list of the features for this tool
> Used to create data flows
Uses Extension mechanism
Developed by KNIME in year 2008
> Written in: JAVA
> Current Stable version: KNIME 3.7.2

Below a list of the main companies using KNIME:

Apache Spark

The well-known big data framework, Spark in the general execution engine in which Spark platform and its functionality built. It provides in-memory computing capabilities to deliver speed a generalized execution model to support a wide variety of applications, and JAVA, Scala and Python EPS for ease of development.

Features Summary:
     Cluster computing tool
     Developed by Apache Software Foundation
     Written in: JAVA, Scala, Python, R
     Current Stable version: Apache Spark 2.4.3

Let’s see who is using Apache Spark from the companies:

Big Data Technologies

R Language
R is programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphs supported by R Foundation. It is widely used by statisticians and data miners.

Below list of common features:
     Statistical computing and graphics
     Developed by: R Foundation in 2000
     Written by: Fortran
     Current stable version: R-3.6.0

Companies using the R Programing language:
Big Data Technologies


The major capabilities of Blockchain is smart contract, privacy, consciences. You can append-only a distributed system of records across a business network, while in smart contract the business time are embedded in the transaction database and executed with transactions. The major features of privacy are ensuring an appropriate visibility, making the transaction secure authenticated and verifiable.

Below a summary of the Blockchain technology:
     Append distributed system od Records
     Business terms embedded transactions
     Transaction authentication
     Network verified transactions
     Developed by: Bitcoin
     Written in: JavaScript, C++, Python
     Current Stable version: 4.0

Sample of the companies using Blockchain:

Big Data Technologies

Big-Data Technologies in Data Visualization

This section will cover the last category of Big-Data and its technologies and the most used software and tools


The main features that Tableau can offer are, mobile-ready dashboards, data notifications, dashboard commenting, create no-code data queries, translates codes to visualization, interactive dashboards, and metadata management

The list of features listed below:
 > Creates No-code data queries
 > Can import all ranges of data sizes
 > Developed by: TableAU in the year of 2013
 > Written in: JAVA, C++, Python, C
 > Current stable version: TableAU 8.2
 > Sample of the companies using TableAu are:

Big Data Technologies


Plotly is mainly used to create graphs in a faster and more efficient way. Plotly API library is support in Python, Matlab and Julia.

Below list of Plotly features:
     Creates graphs faster and more efficient
     Developed by: Plotly in year of 2012
     Written in: JavaScript
     Current stable version: Plotly 1.47.4

Main companies using Plotly:
Big Data Technologies

Emerging Big-Data Technologies

In this section, we will be discussing the upcoming Big Data Technologies, covering them along with their features and the companies depending on them


Below the list of features of this tool
     End-to-End open-source platform for machine learning
     Developed by: Google Brain team in 2019
     Written in: Python, C++, CUDA
     Current stable version: TensorFlow 2.0 Beta

The major companies planning to use TensorFlow are:

Big Data Technologies

Apache Beam

Below list of main features of this tool:
     Provides Portable API layer
     It can be executed in different execution engines
     Developed by: Apache Software foundation in 2016
     Written in: JAVA and Python
     Current stable version: Apache Beam 0.1.0

Below list of companies planning to use Apache Beam:

Big Data Technologies


The list of features for this tool are:
     Create, deploy and run applications using containers
     Developed by: Docker INC in 2003
     Written in: GO
     Current stable version: Docker 18.09

List of companies planning to depend on Docker are:
Big Data Technologies

Apache AirFlow

Here is the list of features of this technology:
     Work flow automation and scheduling system used to manage data pipelines
     Define the required particular tasks needed in the workflow to provide easier maintenance, and testing
     Developed by: Apache Software Foundation in 2019
     Written by: Python
     Current stable version: Apache AirFlow 1.10.3

Companies using AirFlow:

Big Data Technologies


Hope by end of this article you are now familiar with what Big Data is? What are the fundamental of Big Data technologies? The main types of Big data? And the used technologies in big data field. In addition to the main companies using the different Big data technologies

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